Smile Centre
13 February 2019

All about implant retained dentures

It used to be a joke included on all British sitcoms; that granny or grandpa’s dentures would fall out of their mouth at an inopportune moment. These days, with modern...

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Smile Centre
14 January 2019

What does a dental hygienist...

We all know to visit the dentist, right? We teach our children the importance of it and (hopefully) you continue to come to your appointments as adults. However, lots of...

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Smile Centre
14 December 2018

How to choose a family...

According to a government report on children’s oral health, 1 in 4 children start their first day of school showing signs of tooth decay. With everybody in the UK theoretically...

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Smile Centre
09 November 2018

How to spot the signs...

November is Mouth Cancer Action Month, and so we thought it’d be wise to share with our patients and readers how to spot the signs of mouth. When mouth cancer...

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Smile Centre
22 October 2018

How dental implants improve your...

Did you know that how widely you smile could give you an idea of how long you’ll live! According to Forbes Magazine, Wayne State University research showed that out of...

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Smile Centre
06 September 2018

What causes bad breath?

Bad breath and morning breath are two totally separate happenings; one is entirely natural, and one is entirely not. It’s normal to notice a little undertone of a particularly pungent...

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Smile Centre
10 August 2018

What to expect from your...

Dental implants are a revolutionary treatment in the dental world, and their popularity shows no signs of stopping. At The Smile Centre, we can personally guarantee you natural-looking and incredibly...

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Smile Centre
18 July 2018

3 Tips For Nervous Patients

For many people, visiting the dentist isn’t a big event or cause for concern. It’s a regular appointment which comes and goes without drama or conflict. But for some individuals,...

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Smile Centre
19 June 2018

The dental implant process

Here at The Smile Centre, Cornwall, we truly believe that there is no better alternative to your natural teeth. That’s why your dentist will always encourage you to take care...

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Smile Centre
19 June 2018

Average Brit spends almost £200...

British adults are spending £196 a year looking after their smile by purchasing oral health care products, according to the results of a nationwide survey. An investigation by the Oral...

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